THE 52 Selecting who to include in this edition of OUR GAMEMAKERS was one of the biggest challenges. We decided on choosing 50 - but ended up with 52 as we couldn’t cut it down any further! There were some obvious choices but some others were not so straightforward. Not everyone’s contribution to the development of the women’s game is so well known. We wanted to showcase some different people and make sure their stories were heard and seen. We were also super keen to tell the story of women’s rugby through these individuals. We covered topics from the obvious beginnings with the WIVERN and Crusadettes tours, The Festival of Rugby in Christchurch and the 1991 RWC. But we also tried to highlight other struggles, like women progressing in the media, being appointed to boards and even issues around sexuality and playing rugby after having children. We know and fully appreciate that everyone would have made different choices. But this is our humble offering and we hope you enjoy it.